The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department provides conservation planning assistance and technical service in the area of soil and water conservation to landowners, land users, and decision makers of Green Lake County. Through the partnership with Federal, State, and local agencies and departments, the department offers numerous programs designed to protect and enhance the natural resources of Green Lake County.
Clean Sweep - Hazardous Waste Collection
AUGUST 8, 2025
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
What Is Hazardous Waste?
Any product labeled toxic, poison, corrosive, flammable, combustible, or an irritant.
- Lawn/Garden Care/Agriculture Products: Bug spray; Pesticide/ insecticide/herbicide; fertilizer; fungicide; weed killer.
- Paint and Paint-Related Products: oil-based paint; turpentine paint stripper; paint thinner; rust remover; varnish.
- Automotive Fluids and Batteries: Used motor oil and filters; kerosene; windshield washer solution; brake and transmission fluid; metal polish with solvent; gasoline and diesel fuel; auto body repair products; antifreeze; lead acid batteries.
- Beauty Products: Alcohol-based lotions/isopropyl alcohol; hair relaxers, dyes and permanents; nail polish and nail polish remover; products in aerosol cans.
- Household Cleaners: Ammonia-based cleaners; floor care products; window cleaners; metal polish and cleaners; oven and drain cleaners; aerosol cleaners; furniture polish; tub, tile and toilet bowl cleaners.
- Miscellaneous: ; photographic chemicals; shoe polish; swimming pool chemicals; glue; mercury thermometers; lighter fluid; fiberglass epoxy; moth balls; mercury batteries; lithium ion batteries.
- Fluorescent Lights
The following items are NOT accepted
- Ammunition & Explosives (dynamite, fireworks)
- Appliances & Freon Gases
- Fire Extinguishers & Smoke Alarms
- High Pressure Cylinders (propane)
- Infectious/Biological Waste (sharps)
- Latex Paint
- Mattresses/Furniture
- Medicines (prescription or over the counter)
- Recyclables, Garbage and Demolition Materials
Household HazWaste Management Guide
Disposing of Home & Garden Pesticides
Disposing of Paint & Home Improvements Products
Disposing of Waste Oil & Automotive Products
How can I dispose of household hazardous waste any time of the year?
Veolia – Hazardous Waste Division
1275 Mineral Springs Dr.
Port Washington, WI 53074
Mondays 8am-5pm
Phone 262-243-8998 for accepted items and disposal fees
Dane County Year-Round Clean Sweep Facility
7102 US Hwy 12
Madison, WI 53718
(Beltline/12/18 East toward Cambridge) across from the
Yahara Hills Golf Course at the Dane County Landfill
Tuesday thru Friday 7am-2:45pm
Saturday 8am-10:45am
Phone 608-838-3212 or 608-243-0368
Call ahead for hours of operation and disposal fees
Farmland Preservation Program (Working Lands Initiative)
The State of Wisconsin offers a Tax-Credit for agricultural landowners who meet applicable state soil and water conservation standards.
The Working Lands Initiative (WLI) of the Farmland Preservation Program took effect January 1, 2010. To continue receiving tax credits review this page.
For information on the program, or to sign up, email your name and address to:
Working Lands Initiative
St. Marie Ag Enterprise Area
- St. Marie Ag Enterprise Area Boundary
- Runoff Rules – What Farmers Need To Know
- How to Claim Farmland Preservation Tax Credit
- Apply for a Farmland Preservation Agreement (
FPP Eligibility and Information
- DATCP Home Farmland Preservation Tax Credits (
- 2020-Schedule FC-A-Instructions
- 2020-Schedule FC-A
Annual Compliance Certification (click here)
Copy LinkConservation Programs
There are a variety of Federal, State, and Local Programs to help preserve and protect yours land and waters. Land Conservation Department Staff can help you select a program that is best suited to your needs.
Call or Email for an appointment.
Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program
Wetland Reserve Program
Wisconsin Farmland Preservation Program
Conservation Reserve Program
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
Land & Water Resource Management Program
Conservation Security Program
Managed Forest Law
Staff Directory
Todd Morris – County Conservationist
Derek Kavanaugh – Soil Conservationist III
Jordan Dornfeld – Soil Conservationist II
Parker Richter – Soil Conservationist I
Olivia Fischer
Heidi Weishaar – Administrative Assistant
Nutrient Management Planning
Wisconsin State Law requires all lands to which nutrients are applied (manure or commerical fertilizer)to develop and follow a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP).
Plans can be written by a Certified Crop Consultant (CCA) or by the landowner, if they have attended a UWEX Certified Training Workshop.
Nutrient Management Planning
NMP Manure Restriction Maps
Soil Sampling Instructions
SNAP-Plus Software
Land & Water Resource Management Plan
Wisconsin Statutes (Chapter 92.10) requires each county to prepare a Land & Water Resource Management (LWRM) plan for the purpose of conserving soil and water resources.
The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) approves the plan. DATCP approval allows the county to be eligible for annual funding. Citizen input on plan updates every 10 years is encouraged.
2018 Land & Water Resource Management Plan
Copy LinkErosion Concerns & Conservation Practices
Green Lake County Land Conservation Department offers engineering services for a variety of Conservation Practices.
Land Conservation Staff is available to provide design and engineering services to correct erosion and water quality problems.
Click HERE to see some examples of the hundreds of projects we have designed and installed.
Agricultural Performance Standards
Center for Watershed Science and Education
Gathering Water Conservancy
Lakes, Streams, and Ponds Program
Assistance with:
- Shoreline Erosion
- Water Quality Monitoring
- Lake Planning
Contact Derek Kavanaugh at
WDNR Lake Maps
Lake Organizations:
Lake Puckaway/Fox River
Lake Puckaway Protection and Rehabilitation District
Lake Puckaway Lake Management Plan (2004)
Lake Puckaway Vegetation Survey (2005)
Lake Puckaway Environmental Integrity Report (2008)
Vegetation Trend Analysis Graph (Powerpoint) (2008)
Haystack Bay Vegetation Trend (Photos) (2008)
1941-2005 Puckaway Vegetation Poster (2010)
Lake Puckaway’s “Vanishing Act” (2010)
Shallow Water Lake/Reservoir Management (Links)
Shallow Water – Troubled Lakes (MNDNR)
Water Level Data
2004-2008 Water Levels at Princeton Locks (relative)
2008-2009 Water Level Gauging Stations (actual)
Current Water Levels
Lake Puckaway Improvement Association
Sign up to Volunteer for Lake Projects
Little Green Lake
Little Green Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District
Little Green Lake Watershed Assessment (2004)
Little Green Lake Sediment Basin Photos (2009)
Green Lake
Green Lake Sanitary District
Green Lake Association
2013 Lake Status
Big and Little Twin Lakes
Twin Lakes Association
Aquatic Invasive Plant Treatment Plan (2008)
2008 Pre-Treatment Survey
2008 Post-Treatment Survey
2009 Pre-Treatment Survey
2009 Post-Treatment Survey
2010 Pre-Treatment Survey
2010 Post-Treatment Survey
2011 Pre-Treatment Survey
2011 Post-Treatment Survey CLM EWM
Aquatic Invasives Sign Front Back
Invasive Species Program
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
VHS Update
Environmental Resources Center: Invasives Species
Midwest Aquatic Plan Management Society
Lakes Education
Angler Education Program (WDNR)
Boating Safety (WDNR)
Citizen Lake Monitoring Network
UW Extension Lakes Program
USGS: Lakes Program
Wisconsin Association of Lakes
Lake and River Data:
Fox River
Berlin Monitoring Station (USGS)
Princeton Monitoring Station (USGS)
Green Lake
Sunset Park Monitoring Station (USGS)
White Creek Monitoring Station (USGS)
Puchyan River Monitoring Station (USGS)
Well Testing and Abandonment
Green Lake County Land Conservation Department provides cost-share funds for the abandonment of unused wells.
Cost-share funding is obtained through the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection’s annual soil & water rescource management grant.
Cost-share contracts must be signed and approved prior to commencing any well abandonment work.
Complete the APPLICATION for consideration and mail it to:
Well Abandonment Program
Land Conservation Dept
571 County Road A
Green Lake WI 54941
or Call (920) 294-4051 for more information.
Unused wells are a direct conduit to groundwater contamination. Wells located in basements or in areas prone to flooding are of particular concern. Dug or drilled wells which are no longer in use qualify for funding assistance. Wells abandoned in conjunction with a new well construction do not qualify.
For water testing kits, contact the Health and Human Services Department at (920) 294-4070.
Tree & Plant Sales
Green Lake County does not conduct an annual tree sale since many of our surrounding counties provide this service.
Green Lake County area tree sales:
Wisconsin DNR Nursery Sales
Marquette County Tree Sale
Columbia County Tree Sale
Fond du Lac County Tree Sale
Dodge County Tree Sale
We have tree planters available for rent! If interested, please contact our office at 920-294-4051.
Copy LinkDrainage Board
Crop Damage Protection
The Land Conservation Department administers the Wisconsin Crop Damage Program for Green Lake County.
To sign-up call: 1-800-433-0663
For more information
USDA-APHIS – Animal and Plant Health Services
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Construction Site Erosion Control / Stormwater Management
Land disturbances over 2000 square feet or on slopes greater than 12% require a Construction Site Erosion Control Permit*
*Projects covered under a UDC Permit must follow a construction site erosion control as part of their UDC permit. County construction site erosion control permits are not required of these projects
Erosion Control Permit Application
Copy LinkCounty Plat Books
Plat Books Include:
- Land Ownership
- Acreage
- Public Lands
- Road
- Lakes
- Municipal Boundaries
- Section Lines
- Township Lines
- Index to Owners
- Index to Roads
Available at the Treasurer’s Office, Green Lake County Government Center, 571 County Road A, Green Lake
Copy LinkPermits and Ordinances
Animal Waste Management Ordinance
Addendum A – Permit Flow Chart
Addendum B – Permit to Construct
Addendum C – Nutrient Management Req
Addendum D – Construction Cert Form
Addendum E – Permit to Close
Addendum F – Closure Cert Form
Addendum G – Closure Exemption
Addendum H – Inspection Report
Addendum I – Summary Sheet
WDNR Conservation Officers (Game Warden) – Green Lake County
Brad Latza – (920) 807-4096
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Green Lake County Field Office
(920) 294-6140
Farm Service Agency (FSA) – Green Lake County
(920) 294-6474
Green Lake Association
(920) 294-6480
Green Lake Sanitary District
(920) 295-4488
Green Lake Conservancy
(920) 294-3592
Woodland Invasive Species
Raingardens are a great way to attract birds and butterflies to your yard while helping to improve water quality.
Students at St. John’s Catholic School in Princeton installed a Raingarden in 2008. (Photos)
Below are some great resources to find out more about Raingardens and how to build one.
10,000 Raingardens Project (Kansas City, MS)
Raingarden Guide
Raingardens of Michigan (Michigan)
Fact Sheet
Great Lakes Brochure
RainScapes (Rockville, MD)
Raingardens: How to for Homeowners (Wisconsin-UWEX)
Raingardens: Improving Water Quality (Wisconsin-UWEX)
Raingarden Design (Low Impact Development Center)
Build your own Raingarden (Maryland-Baysavers)
Raingarden: Design Principles (Vancouver, Canada)
Raingarden: Technical Guide (Virgina, Dept. of Forestry)
Create A Garden (Michigan)
How to Design a Raingarden
Raingarden Manual of New Jersey
Raingardens: Sustainable School Projects
Native Plant Sources – Wisconsin (Wisconsin-UWEX))
Copy LinkYouth Poster Contest
2025 Youth Conservation Poster Contest
The 2025 contest theme is “HOME IS WHERE THE HABITAT IS”.
Guidelines click HERE
Registration click HERE
A habitat is a place where an organism makes its home. A habitat meets all the environmental conditions an organism needs to survive.
For an animal, that means everything it needs to find and gather food, select a mate, and successfully reproduce. For a plant, a good habitat must provide the right combination of light, air, water, and soil.
The main components of a habitat are shelter, water, food, and space. A habitat is said to have a suitable arrangement when it has the correct amount of all of these.
We invited Green Lake County K-12 students to create a poster illustrating the importance of habitats.
Information for the 2025 contest theme can be found at the National Association of Conservation District’s website. NACD’s Stewardship Program webpage and grade-level tailored educational materials will be available at this link: NACD Conservation Education Hub
The Green Lake County Land Conservation Department along with the Land Conservation Committee, sponsors an annual Conservation Poster Contest.
This contest provides an opportunity for area youth to become more aware of the conservation of our natural resources and gives them the opportunity to use their artistic skills to inspire our community with a powerful environmental message.
The contest is open to students in grades K-12. Anyone can enter on their own since this does not have to be related to a school project. Contestants are grouped and judged based on their grade. (Primary K to 1, Elementary 2 to 3, Middle 4 to 6, Junior 7 to 9, Senior 10 to12 and Special Needs K-12).
This contest is one step in a journey to the national conservation poster competition. The County will award a first, second and third place cash prize to students in each age category. The first-place winners from our participating age groups move forward to the Lake Winnebago Land & Water “Area” competition to be held in late January each year. The Lake Winnebago Area Association counties include Adams, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Marquette, Outagamie, Waupaca, Waushara and Winnebago Counties.
The first-place winners from the Area competition then move forward to the statewide competition which is held in conjunction with the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association’s Annual Conference. Winners from the statewide competition advance to the national competition where entrants have a chance to win cash prizes. Check out contest information and see past state-level winners on the Wisconsin Land and Water Poster Contest webpage
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2024 poster contest winners!!
2024-Winners |
Primary Division GRK-1 |
Elementary GR2-3 |
Middle GR4-6 |
Junior GR7-9 |
Senior GR10-12 |
Special Needs GR7-12 |
Youth Summer Camps
Two Summer Camp opportunities for youth are available.
Students who will be entering Grades 6-8 in the fall of the current year
Middle School Camp at Upham Woods in Wisconsin Dells.
Students who will be entering Grades 9-12 in the fall of the current year (must be 17 or under)
High School Camp at North Lakeland Discovery Center in Manitowish Waters.
Follow the above links for registration information and details.
Copy LinkAvailable Bid Packets (Contractors Only)
Green Lake County Land Conservation Department has bid packets available for project designs produced by the LCD Office and cost-shared via the DATCP SWRM Program. Bids are solicited per LCC policy specified in the County’s Land and Water Resource Management Plan.
Current projects open for bids:
None at this time
Copy Link
No Till Drill
No-till farming is a conservation practice that eliminates tillage operations prior to planting a crop. No-till planting can provide many benefits to the soil & growing crop. It reduces disturbances to the soil structure and keeps residue on top of the soil to armor it from wind and rain. No-tilling cover crops can add diversity, living roots, and residue to your fields during times a cash crop is not growing. Once a successful no-till system is established, many farmers note increased yield and profitability on their farms.
Green Lake County has a 10 foot wide Great Plains No-Till Drill that is available for farmers in Green Lake County to rent. A per-acre fee is charged for the rental of the drill. A signed Rental Agreement and proof of a liability insurance policy is required before the drill may be used.
The drill has three seed boxes to seed a variety of crops, cover crops, forages, waterways, and CRP mixes. It is a 15-row unit with 7.5 inch spacing and requires a 75 hp tractor with hydraulics.
Rental Agreement
Main Seed Box Calibration
Small Seed Box Calibration
Native Grass Box Calibration
Helpful YouTube Videos:
How to Use the No-Till Drill
How to Set the Planting Depth
Calibrating the Main Seed Box
Calibrating the Native Seed Box